Chris Dimond Chris Dimond

Gardening and Music Part 2- “Give Me Some Space, Please!”

 In July's guitar newsletter I would like to continue discussing the similarities between gardening and music by exploring what ideal growing conditions are and how adequate space is crucial.  Young plants need plenty of room to develop into healthy and mature fruit bearing plants.  This truth offers many parallels to the stages of growth in learning an instrument from beginners to more advanced students.

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Chris Dimond Chris Dimond

Gardening and Music- Part 1

Many elements of playing an instrument and making music have wonderful illustrations in the world of gardening, and this month's guitar newsletter kicks off a series about the correlations between tending a garden and playing guitar and music.  From the choice and care of gardening tools, to the importance of a healthy compost or deciding on the best seeds, there are many parallels.

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